Employee giving
Support the nonprofits doing work you care about Our all-in-one donation tool helps your people go beyond a single day of service and support the nonprofits that matter to them.


Rally your team around a targeted disaster relief effort or evergreen cause area.

Giving circles
Empower your employees to do good deeds wherever they are orhowever they are willing and able to participate.
Cause-based campaigns
Focus your employees’ time and energy on your organization’s corecause areas with a targeted, evergreen campaign.

Company match
Show your employees you celebrate their passions by matching their donations 1:1, 2:1, or even more.
Our partners are seeing a direct causal link between a greater sense of togetherness and purpose at work with hiring, retention, and long-term fulfillment.
Your organization needs to efficiently allocate companyresources—like money and people-power—to importantcauses. Our dedicated virtual space helps you organizefundraisers and events, ramp up participation, and usedata to steer your program to new heights.
Rally your employees around sustainability, inclusivity, and a fairerworkplace for all. Deed’s all-good-in-one platform democratizesESG, so our whole team can contribute to the massive project ofmaking your organization a force for good in the world.
The definition of “philanthropy” is changing to be more inclusive ofall employees who want to make an impact, whether they chooseto share their time, money, or talent. Our platform helps everyone,everywhere do more good deeds.